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Review Tool


The Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning team can tailor specific support for your school to help you complete the Review, assist you with the identification of evidence and impact, and help you to formulate and address your action plan.

Similarly, we can support you in planning your Healthy Schools/Colleges work by helping you to identify needs, plan actions and monitor progress. Essentially we are here to provide support to help meet the specific needs you identify to improve health and wellbeing in your school.

Our main website contains lots of information and links to help you with health and wellbeing work in school.

Your dedicated Leading Teacher will be happy to work with you to ensure you get the best out of being a Healthy School.

Use contact us (accessible from every page on this site) to get in touch, to be put in touch with your Leading Teacher, or to ask for help with any aspect of Healthy Schools.

We aim to answer e-mails received through contact us as soon as possible. 

Using the Review FAQs

We'll use this page to put up answers to any questions that we get asked frequently.

1. Can more than one person from my school work on the audit on-line at the same time?

Yes. BUT only in different sections. Don't try and update the same section at the same time - the system gets confused.

2. How do I print a blank Review?

Choose whether you want a complete review or just a section.

Untick my responses

Leaving evidence and action plan ticked will give blank boxes to make notes in

Choose whether you want to include prompts in your blank Review (tick or untick)

NB if you want to include your answers when you print your Review you must leave 'My responses' ticked

3.How often should I save?

Please save frequently - there are buttons at the top and bottoom of each section. Everytime you update something this would be recommended best practice.

If you try move to another section before you have saved, the system will ask you if you are sure you want to navigate away from the page.

4.What does 'Not a priority for us (yet)' mean under the 'not started' assessment?

 This is a possible answer for some questions for some schools depending on circumstances. This is not about the big things - e.g. safeguarding policy / practice but for areas where a particular aspect is not relevant to the school. E.g. a school not easily accessible by anything other than car (there are a few in Gloucestershire) may not feel a 'walk to school initiative' is applicable or there are things you want to put in place before you tackle others. We most often come across this in discussions with small schools.

5. How do I navigate between sections?

You can access any section of the audit by clicking on the menu / links on the left hand side of every page (it's towards the top of the page)